Roe Roofing & Exteriors


Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home. In addition to keeping you warm and dry, your roof also helps to shelter your home’s internal structures from the elements. Most roofs need to be replaced every 20 to 25 years, but they may need to be replaced sooner due to hail, excessive snow, or other severe weather events. If you notice leaking, sagging or any other signs that your roof is no longer in tip top shape please get in touch. We’re happy to provide you with a quote on roofing repair or replacement.


Many people are familiar with asphalt (also known as organic) roofing, but what most people don’t realize is that the majority of today’s shingles are actually made out of fibreglass. Fibreglass shingles look the same and are installed the same as asphalt shingles, but they come with some advantages.

They key difference between asphalt and fibreglass shingles is the matting. Traditional asphalt shingles have a mat that consists of asphalt mixed with paper, felt or wood pulp. Fibreglass shingles consist of a fibreglass mat that is sandwiched between layers of waterproof asphalt coating.

Fibreglass shingles absorb less moisture and are more heat resistant, making them hold up better than the traditional asphalt variety.

These shinges tend to be thicker, adding to their longevity. They are also much more fire-resistant than asphalt shingles. Some fibreglass shingles even come with a 50-year warranty or a lifetime warranty, but of course this depends on the brand and style of shingles.

There are many great fibreglass roofing products on the market to meet your home’s needs. While we believe in many of these different products, we believe that the Owens Corning roofing products provide top value for your dollar. If you have any questions about these or any other roofing products please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help you find the best product for your home. 

For more information, or to receive a detailed quote, contact us today!

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